Benvenuti ad Ischia - Casa Vacanze Villa Flora
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                                     low season                  high season

for one person for a day               € 25,00                        € 50,00

The price includes all expenses del'appartamento (electricity, water, gas)

The price does not include the cost of Euro 40,00 for final cleaning
City tax to be paid locally € 1 per person per day.

-Chek-in: the apartments are assigned from 14:00 to 19:00;

-Chek-out: the day of your departure, the apartment must be vacated by 10:00 am;

Payment Terms: 30% deposit of the total booking, balance upon delivery of the apartment, along with € 100.00 as security for any damage caused to the apartment and their furnishings, which will be refunded at the time of check-out after viewing the apartment;



Simply make your request for availability and we will undergo our best offer

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